The BIG Shutdown
The past couple of weeks have been unpredictable. Two weeks ago, I was running in the YRRC Winter Series final race, followed by sitting in a crowded cafeteria full of people attending the awards ceremony. And today, all public events are cancelled for the foreseeable future.
It’s been hard the last couple of weeks with all the unknowns of what is going to happen. What will happen with school? Will events be cancelled? Will we get sick? And if so, will we be okay?
And as it relates to running, it has been hard to train for a marathon that you know will most likely get cancelled. Yesterday I got the official news that the Big Sur International Marathon was postponed. I knew it was coming and is for the best, but it is still a huge bummer.
This is a race I’ve been dreaming about for years. Running up the coast California, along the Pacific Highway, from Big Sur to Monterey. The photos are unbelievable and the people that I have spoken to who have done this race say that it’s the most amazing experience for a runner. It was also an opportunity for me to visit a very dear friend who lives in the area that I’ve been wishing to see for years now.
Obviously, there are FAR worse things in the world that are happening in right now and that is my perspective. I’m so grateful that it’s postponed and not cancelled, and I hope the new date is something I can do. It does give me time to train harder and longer, which I was feeling like I needed anyhow. Training in the summer will be challenging, but not impossible, and it will really prepare me for the crazy altitude that Big Sur brings.
So yes, while it’s a bummer that it’s not happening as scheduled, I am looking at the bright side of things, and continuing with my training and tweaking things a bit to time it out. This gives me the opportunity to slow things down a bit, which my body is telling me that I need, and focus on incorporating some strength training back into the mix and more stretching.
It also gives me the opportunity and blessing to spend more time with my kids while they are out of school for the shutdown. When life throws times like this at me, I have to look at it as a sign, that I was going too fast, too hard, and it’s time to slow things down, take a breath, and just remember to be grateful for the blessings I have. My family, my health, and my mind, which allows me to write this blog and pursue my passions every day.
I hope others are staying positive during these uncertain times. I hope others are not letting this scare them out of living a healthy and fit life. Remember, the best thing that you can do for yourself to combat this virus (or any virus for that matter) is to live a healthy lifestyle. Be mindful of what you are putting into your bod, limit alcohol intake, eat healthy, and get lots of rest. And by all means, enjoy this beautiful spring we are having by getting outdoors and getting some fresh air!
And of course, if anyone needs a running buddy while they are staying away from the gym… I’m your girl!
Take care, stay safe, and stay fit!